The Truth About How To Get High Priced Birthday Parties

kids entertainer, Dale Obrochta

Rich neighborhoods, country clubs, and private schools should be the target market if you want to do high-end birthday parties. Ignore the fliers that target every house in the city, yellow pages, or community festivals.

Marketing is about targeting a specific audience or niche. I have always had a dyslexic perception of work.  Simply, one should work short hours, for big money. Not, long hours for very little pay.

Birthday parties for the wealthy are the same for middle class, just that they are willing to pay more. The key is to target that market segment.  Beauty shops, car dealers, and hotels selectively advertise to the affluent.  They emerge themselves into that culture and lifestyle and understand their core beliefs, desires, and wants.

Middle class birthday parties may want entertainment to keep the kids busy, while wealthy clients want to wow the guest. Sell the show with all the options, because the BMW sitting in the driveway is fully loaded with options they will never use.

Marketing a High-End Birthday Party

Car dealers only show the fully loaded vehicle, and so should entertainers.  Make the customer choose what’s not important to them. Studies have shown that when a customer has to eliminate options from a list of things they desire, the desire outweighs the cost.

Place a price value on each option. If the show is $1,250 allow the customer to remove the backdrop and save $100.00, – $50 for sound system, – $100.00 for lights. Now the show costs $1,000.00, etc. If a thousand dollars is still too high for a 45 minute show, give them option of a 30 minute show at $800.00.

People who shop for a BMW do not get sticker shock at a big ticket item.  They want to spend this money; the key is to market a product that they want to buy.  Don’t sell them a bicycle when they want to buy a car.

Knowing your market allows you to sell a birthday party at the highest rate possible, and eliminates all the tire kickers in the process.