Bring A Puppet To Life In Your Next Show!

Start Earning Higher Fees Sooner

By Adding A Talking Puppet To Your Show

Even If You've Never Worked With A Puppet Before!

Got puppets collecting dust in the backroom? Time to bring them to life with new puppetry and ventriloquism skills! Why? Because nothing compares to the experience you can give your audience when you bring puppet characters to life...

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Man holding puppet on desktop and mobile screens with text 'Bring a puppet to life in your next show!' indicating an online course.

Zivi Kivi


Dear Future

Professional Puppeteer / Ventriloquist,

Let me see how well I know you . . .

You’re a dedicated kids entertainer. You’ve got a great show. And you’ve got more than one puppet character locked-up somewhere in the house.

If I’m right - then there’s a little more I know . . .

Your shows may continue in 2023. But, chances are the puppets will not come out. Again. And your significant other sometimes get on your back about it says: “When are you ever going to start using these puppets you paid for?”

Can you relate?

Let’s flip the script on this story . . .

Two bored children resting their heads on their hands while sitting at a white table.


Purple plus sign symbol on a white background
Group of friends enjoying a night out at a party with drinks and laughter under red and yellow lights.


Purple equal sign on a transparent background
Person holding an empty brown wallet


Imagine Bringing A Puppet To Life In Your Show - And The Unmatched Engagement Your Audience Feels When Your Puppet Starts Talking!

You already know this from personal experience when in the audience of a skilled ventriloquist. There is something magical about how an entertainer brings a character puppet to life. And when the real magic of comedy leaps out and touches every audience member. Swap seats! Be the one who brings magic to the audience.
Learn how with this simple to follow course bundle.

Alt text: Man smiling and wearing a purple suit with a black shirt.

What comes next will be the most important 3 things you’ll read today.

Number 1 in yellow inside a purple circle

You can't afford to be buying more props just for the hobby of it.
You can use what you already have in your back room. It’s all you need to get started making more money with puppetry/ventriloquism.

Purple circle with the number 2 in yellow.

Adding comedy is a must as you are bootstrapping your entertainment business. You MUST reach the level where one show has a dominoes effect of selling three new shows. To get to this level - your new goal is to be funnier and more entertaining.

Purple circle with the number 3 in yellow

A puppet in your show cannot be touched by volunteers. This gives you more control of the show script - and ensures your dialogue is funnier. Puppet characters and ventriloquism is the new “essential” in every kids entertainer show.

Man in a floral shirt smiling and holding a dog puppet.
Man with brown hair in a dark suit posing with an elderly male puppet wearing a black jacket and a white shirt
Man smiling and holding a colorful dragon puppet with green wings.
Man in a floral shirt poses with a colorful bird puppet with a large orange beak.


‘The Ultimate Puppetry and Ventriloquism Training Bundle’

COURSE 1: Add a Puppet to Your Show (in 10 days or less)

COURSE 2: Add a Vent Routine To Your Show (in 70 days or less)

Start using those puppet props you already own. No added investment needed.

Add more comedy in to your show - and become a funnier entertainer who picks up more flow on bookings

Maintain more control of your shows when using puppets. Less stress. More laughs!

Man holding puppet in front of desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying different scenes of him conducting a puppet show with text 'Bring a puppet to life in your next show!' on desktop screen.
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Who Is Colin Dymond
- Your Course Trainer?

Meet Colin Dymond. Colin is a highly successful course leader in adding a puppet to your show. He’s been performing magic shows with puppetry and ventriloquism for over 20 years.

Puppets have been a major part of his show. They have brought him lots of extra work. He and his puppets have worked all around the world.

Man in a blue blazer smiling with a sparkling star-themed purple background

Colin’s Professional Bio:

Awards and Recognitions

Voted Children’s Entertainer of the Year 2014 by his peers

Associate of the Inner Magic Circle

President of The Cotswold Magical Society

The Discovery Channel selected Colin to explain the science of ventriloquism

Man with a floral shirt posing with a dog puppet against a dark purple background with star-like decorations.


Man smiling and hugging a fluffy grey puppet with a dark background and sparkling stars.

Has entertained audiences in venues ranging from castles to cruise ships, from country manors to Cairo.

Along with his sidekick, Snot the Dragon - has entertained children across the globe.

Headlined the International Show at Venthaven, the world’s largest ventriloquist convention.

Lectured and performed at The Magic Circle in London.

Author of So you Want To Be A Ventriloquist!

Marquee Clients

P&O Cruises

The Magic Circle

Sudeley Castle

Ventriloquist performing with various puppets including an old man, a colorful dragon, and a bird.

Apart From All This -

why learn from colin?

“Is This Video Based Training Bundle For Me?”

It could be that you’re already a professional magician or children's entertainer.
And you’re looking for that tiny edge to help make you an extra $100, $200, $500, even $1000 or more in fees for your show. Or maybe you’ve tried working with a puppet before and it didn’t work out.

Breathe a welcome sigh of relief, because that’s where Colin comes in.
Trying to learn puppetry on your own is hard. Learning from a book is almost impossible. Everything you need for skill and confidence in working with a talking puppet is in this course bundle! Colin leaves nothing out.

Man holding a purple puppet with yellow beak and red hat

“But, Isn't It Hard To Learn  how to Work With A Puppet Using Ventriloquism?“

Yes and no. It can be hard if learning from the wrong teacher.

We get it. It's scary and fear is in the way of you gaining an amazing skill polished to a level that gets you tons of smiles, laughter, and claps.

So just consider this: with our course and the way Colin has laid it out step-by-step, you're not only learning from the best in the business - you'll be learning from a system proven to bring results for anybody willing to study it.

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Three Sample Training Videos From The Course Bundle




Paced Teaching Modules With Video To Help You Add A Puppet To Your Show - And Start Performing Like A Pro!

Module 1 - How to Choose YOUR Puppet

Man in a blue shirt standing with hands clasped together against a white background.

What's a Puppet? 1 of 10
Glove Puppet 2 of 10
Half Body Arm Puppets 3 of 10
Full Body 4 of 10
Size, Eyes, Mouth, Arms 5 of 10
Bird Puppets 6 of 10
How Much Money 7 of 10
Tips to avoid pitfalls in buying a puppet
(script, character, past the "ah" factor comedy)
8 of 10
Transportation and Care 9 of 10
Homework 10 of 10

Module 2 - Adding Life to Your Puppet

Man in a blue shirt holding a fluffy black and white dog puppet

Gravity and Keeping it Alive 1 of 16
REACTIONS: Glove puppets basics 2 of 16
EMOTIONS: how to add emotions to your
glove puppet
3 of 16
ANIMATION: clap, bow, point, hide, kiss,
eye direction
4 of 16
Staging your glove puppet 5 of 16
Advanced staging for glove puppets 6 of 16
Homework for Glove Puppets 7 of 16
Arm Puppet 8 of 16
Manipulation with your Arm Puppet 9 of 16
Eye direction with arm puppet 10 of 16
Mouth movement with your arm puppet 11 of 16
Arm & Body movement with your arm puppet 12 of 16
Staging of Arm Puppets 13 of 16
The Bird Arm Illusion 14 of 16
Snake video 15 of 16
Arm Puppets wrap up + Homework 16 of 16

Module 3 - Building the Right Routine

Man in purple button-up shirt with logo, standing with open hands and white background

Introduction 1 of 8
Character Sheet 2 of 8
Adding Props 3 of 8
Rabbit Puppet 4 of 8
Ball Trick 5 of 8
Change Bag Routine 6 of 8
Rope Trick adding sound 7 of 8
Adding Bits of Business 8 of 8

Module 4 - Lift Off With The Advanced Stuff

Man in blue shirt speaking, gesturing with one hand raised and the other hand near his chest against a white background.

Basic Ventriloquism 1 of 6
Customizing + Custom Puppets 2 of 6
Tips on Character Development 3 of 6
Additional Handling Tips 4 of 6
Pre recorded routine + The million voice 5 of 6
Caricature of your Puppet 6 of 6

Module 5 - BONUSES

Man in blue shirt with embroidered logo, speaking in front of a plain white background.

Additional Resources 1 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 1 2 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 2 3 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 3 4 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 4 5 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 5 6 of 8
Puppetry Course Masterclass 6 7 of 8
... and LOTS more for students' eyes only! 8 of 8

Studying this complete five part course will take you one step up in your entertainment and performances. Get ready to learn amazing puppet and ventriloquism that will leave your audience members clapping for more!

But Wait There is More

COURSE 2: Add A Vent Routine To Your Show

A Total Of 10+ Self-Paced Teaching Modules With Video
To Help You Add Ventriloquism To Your Show
- And Start Performing Like A Pro!

Week 1

70-Day Introduction

The Idea Part 1

What Puppet?

Character Study - YouTube

What Character?


Voices - YouTube

Week 2


Voice Practice

Getting Comfortable with Your Puppet

Have you bonded


The Idea Part 2

Character Part 3

Week 3


Head Movement



All Together


Character YouTube

Script Part 1

Week 4

Care for your throat

The Science of Ventriloquism

The Easy Bits


Letter F

Letter V

Letter W

Week 5

Letter M

Letter B

Letter P

More Practice

Syllable Practice

Tongue Twisters

Vocal Warm Ups

Week 6


Voice Recording

Switching Voices

Puppet Voice Practice

Lip Control Script Read

Lip Control, Just Puppet Lines

Full Script Table Read

Week 7

Script Review and Edit

Puppet Introduction Ideas

Full Script Read with Puppet

Lip Control Practice Tip

Double Takes

Puppet Voice Cue Tip

Daily Facebook Video Tip

Week 8

My Stage Set Up

Consistent Set Up

Correct Working Height

Six Second Rule 2

Prop Management 2

Full Script 1st Run

Filmed Idea First View

Week 9

Filmed Idea Second View

Filmed Idea Third View

Filmed Idea Audio Only

Funnier Words

All the changes

Second Filming of the idea

Week 10

Rinse and Repeat


Show Structure


Replace your best bit

A Joke a day

The Screenplay

The last video

BONUS 1: For students eyes only!

BONUS 2: For students eyes only!

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Online educational course displayed on various devices including a tablet, smartphone, laptop, and desktop computer. The course features a man giving lessons using a puppet and teaching various modules. The background includes a variety of colorful objects and a room setting.

“What can I REALLY expect from this course bundle?”

If you're a magician and/or childrens entertainer then this course enables you to experience adding a new signature piece to your show

- in 70 days or less!

You'll begin showing up for shows with a new routine which features a puppet - and if you are interested - a talking puppet too!

You'll be enabled to do dialogues with a puppet instead of with a volunteer - which is going to be a routine-saving thing with current social distancing rules.

While the pandemic rules are still active, inviting a volunteer on stage is going to be hard. But with a puppet you can do many of the routines and jokes that you used to do with a kid, only do it safer, and sometimes better scripted and funnier too.

You'll be going pro with your show by adding a puppet - especially a talking puppet - because it sets you apart from most other entertainers.

Puppet routines are also great for virtual shows. Kids love talking puppets!
They’re always super excited to see the entertainer’s interaction with the puppet.
And with Colin Dymond as your virtual mentor - you’ll be learning all you need to know

- in only 70 days or less!

5 Top Reasons To Add A Talking
Puppet To Your Show Today

Man in pink floral shirt hugging a person in a sloth costume with a dark purple background and stars.

Makes you look more like a professional

Advances your skills as an all rounder entertainer

Adds an edge in marketing your show with a puppet as the NEW star

Fulfilling your dream to actually do ventriloquism - in 70 days or less!

A talking puppet is funnier - and only says what you need it to say

Listen To What KEA Students Are Saying …

Person with bright blue hair and a pink hat holding a colorful puppet with blue fur and large eyes
Five yellow stars in a horizontal row, representing a high-quality rating or five-star review.

“Highly recommend Colin’s course! Before taking a course from him,
my puppets sat on the shelf gathering dust. I was stuck with one puppet and I struggled to branch out with more routines. Colin gave me momentum to start creating and exploring my ventriloquism.
Plus, the course changed the way I approach writing and building.
Colin broke down the process to bite-sized chunks I could
handle each day.

Colin has changed the way I think about puppets and his course
laid a foundation for how I build routines. Colin is laid back and full
of ideas! Highly recommend learning from Colin if you want
to up your puppet game.”

- Regina 'Silly Sparkles' Martinez

Smiling woman with hands under chin wearing white gloves and pink top
Five yellow stars in a horizontal row, representing a high-quality rating or five-star review.

“I've already learned so much in just a few days!! Thank you.
I love the podcasts because they're so chock full of information,
that it's like a buffet. Take what works for you, pay attention to
what else is there in case you want to come back for it later.”

- Alison Mass

Smiling person with a light jacket and dark shirt in a circular photo frame
Five yellow stars in a horizontal row, representing a high-quality rating or five-star review.

I absolutely love what I do and can't wait to diversify my shows.
KEA is just awesome. I still can't believe I am where I am, and it's all thanks to what you do here on KEH and KEA. You have changed my whole life, so, from me and my Family, a huge THANK YOU!

- David Forsyth

Try The Training Bundle Today And Have Your Purchase Protected By Our 30 Days No-Risk,

100% Money-Back


If within 30 days you are not 100% happy or don’t think it’s a great course, you don’t like it for any reason - maybe you don’t like Colin, whatever - simply let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. If you are not 100% satisfied then we don’t want your money.

100% Money Back Guarantee badge on a starry purple background

Before And After

Almost everybody relates to those Before-and-After photos you see online and in magazines. So, here is our representation of kids enjoying a kids entertainer. Before learning our course - and after.

Spot the differences?


Two thoughtful children sitting next to each other on a sofa, one with braided hair and wearing a light blue shirt, and the other with curly hair and a blue sweater.


Group of kids sitting on a couch, watching a movie, and enjoying popcorn and drinks.



Get both courses for the same fee of $50 USD/month

turn on the auto-renewal button to get access to ALL other 30+ courses and lectures in the Kids Entertainer Academy dashboard.

Which means you get KEA Member full access to Course 1 AND Course 2

- PLUS 38+ other courses from the training dashboard inside KEA for a monthly subscription payment of $50 USD/m and billed on automatically to your card each month.

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Okay, Here’s What To Do Next

Get started today

Begin your accelerated journey towards making higher fees in only
70 days or less - with a talking puppet added to your show.

All risk is on us!

30-day money-back guaranteed

pay only $50/m

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Logos of different payment methods including Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, American Express, Discover, and Maestro.
100% Money Back Guarantee seal badge with reflection

A Final Not-So-Subtle Reminder

Those puppets you have gathering dust in a cupboard at home in the backroom.

Do THEM and YOU a favor and let them out

This course bundle has been designed to help you get started as of TODAY and once you make that start it almost guarantees you will keep going with the course(s) until the very last video training.
And that's when the real pay off will start showing up in your purse, wallet, or bank account.

Decision time.

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Secure payment methods

Logos of different payment methods including Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, American Express, Discover, and Maestro.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to questions we get asked a lot:

Q: Is a puppet expensive for getting started?

A: Any puppet you have access to is all you need to get started.

Q: How much time is needed each day to learn from the courses?

A: Each course video is short - approximately 10 minutes.

Q: What if I need more time to learn?

A: Either the Gold or Diamond option will suit you best.

Q: What if I need further support while learning?

A: Trainer, Colin Dymond and other students are in the private FB group.

Q: What if I prefer becoming a KEA member instead?

A: The Diamond option is for you.

Q: Are these courses included for existing KEA members?

A: Yes. The Diamond option is like joining KEA as a member.

Q: Can you guarantee results?

A: No. And here’s why. You need to be committed to putting in the time to learn and practice. We have no control over your commitment or your ability to stay committed. But here’s the thing - if within the first 30 days of your purchase you decide you don't like the course(s) - for any reason at all - we will give you a fast and courteous refund of 100% of your investment.
A full refund. Which means you have zero risk.

Various digital devices including a smartphone, tablet, desktop, and laptop displaying a man engaging in a video presentation, with one screen showcasing a man holding a puppet.

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