An Easy-to-Make Gift Perfect for Professional Children’s Entertainers

Gifts—we love to get them, and though we’d love to give them, too, sometimes they just cost us too much. Especially for us kids entertainers. We can’t hand one child a giveaway and not give the rest one each, too.

Good thing there are easy-to-make, easy-on-the-pocket presents, like this lovely little gift.

It will cost you just a few cents, practically next to nothing, but it will win you the hearts of many because people just love receiving it.

What is it?

It’s a simple but special paper rose. And in the video above, we teach you how to make one.

Just a reminder: If someone lavishes praise on you for knowing how to create a paper rose, don’t brush off the compliment with “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s actually very easy to make.”

The reason? People feel they are getting something special when they receive a rose, even just a paper one. So if you tell them that making one is no big deal, you will be ruining that sense of specialness for them. So instead of dampening people’s moods, just go along with it and appreciate that there are still people who appreciate gifts as simple as a paper rose.

And one last reminder: If there is a couple in your audience, it’s best to hand the paper rose to the boyfriend or husband and let him present it to his partner. You will find that that little touch is a nice touch.

So what are you waiting for? Get those napkins ready and start creating charming paper roses for your next gig.


Here is where you can get fancy with your paper roses.

Check out these paper rose supplies

This site is by Michael Mode who sort of gave the paper flower giveaway a big shot in the arm about 10 years ago. You can get the special red/green napkins there. Many other colour combinations are available.

Check out his terrific idea that he uses with a D Lite. Buy his DVD and find out. It’s really quite a special touch.