Children’s Disco Parties – It’s Not Just About The Music Part 1
Dance Floor Fillers: Kids disco party ideas and tips
A strange title for a specialist Kids DJ you say!
Before I offer advice about music content and how to have a successful children’s disco party it’s always in the preparation. I always have a list of games to play because children will not constantly dance for a 2 hour disco party. A few simple games you can use are included in this article …
There are lots of misconceptions about children’s disco parties on how easy it must be just play a few popular songs and they will dance – absolute rubbish! Even having a huge rig with all the latest flashing lights won’t guarantee a filled dance floor.
Children need interactive entertainment and, being an ex-comedy performer, this style of entertainment suits my personality. I’m always willing to take to the dance floor to demonstrate with the latest dance routines and have fun with the children – they love it!
It is important that you are 100% involved and join in with all the dance routines probably making a bit of a fool of yourself which the children really enjoy! If you just stand behind the decks, it’s guaranteed they will lose concentration and wander off creating a very disorderly atmosphere in the room.
As kids’ party entertainers, we know that children have very short attention span. I will start with a popular song and then a game followed by an action song; this will stop the children getting bored. Inevitably, as it’s a 2 hour party and needing to keep everything high impact, songs may not necessarily be played right to the end.
The games chosen will make or break a party!
Over time, I have adapted the ‘old fashioned’ games, e.g. Pass The parcel, Musical Statues, Limbo, etc putting my own individual stamp on them. Elimination games are definitely a no no! If any of the children are knocked out of the game, they instantly get upset or bored and walk off allowing distraction to the entertainment.
There is much that can be added to the popular games to stand out.
Musical Statues– Add a theme e.g. Animal-Super Hero-Beach Party
When the music stops, the children do an animal action, e.g. swishing elephant trunks or a snappy crocodile. Ask one child to choose the animal and, when the music stops, the children do the action of that animal. If a Super Hero, they could fly through the air or use one of their super powers. If a Beach party, it can be to build a sand castle – tallest wins or swim in the sea or surfing
This can very amusing for the parents seeing their sibling’s imitations! The game can also be themed if you are doing a Christmas or Halloween party, etc. Let your imagination run wild!
Corners – This is now the Giant dice game.
Around the venue walls, stick up six A3 pictures with numbers on them. The children dance to the music. When it stops they have to run to one of the numbered areas. The dice is rolled and whichever number it lands on the children standing at the corresponding number on the wall win a small prize, usually sweets. They are now out of the game as Winners and will sit with me eating their sweets. To keep them involved, they then become judges and take turns rolling the dice. The game is finished when it has run its course. Sweets are given to whoever is remaining in the game.
Limbo – One of the most popular games of all time!
Instead of the children just walking underneath the pole, they are asked to do a comical action which, alongside my added interaction, adds to the fun. Once again, this is not an elimination game.
Pass The Parcel– Another classic of children parties.
Traditionally, this game can become very lengthy ending up with only one main winner. My version has no parcel but two colourful boxes passed around the circle of children whilst the music is playing. There is a selection of sweets and toys inside. A dressing up box is also place in the middle of the circle with silly hats, wigs, glasses etc. inside. Once the music stops, the child takes out a prize out of the box but also put on an item from the dressing up box. Using this method confirms who has already won a prize. The box can then be guided by you to ensure there are no double winners. Ideally, the birthday person should be allowed to win by the fourth turn.
These are just a few selected ideas as I have a huge list of games which I have invented myself or been adapted from a classic. All my games are defined into age groups and work well. However, it’s always best to have extra game ideas on hand ready in your box of props just in case a particular game doesn’t work out.
So thats just a few simple ideas for games options.
What songs will fill the dance floor and and when is the best time to play them. More great tips coming up in the next installment …
How to be the Cool DJ and fill that dance floor.